Do You Take Time to Read??

Or do you skip the seed that tripped into how we need to heed from the fact that some will come from a place where space cannot tell the Shell full well that there are some who tell the truth from the deceit?  A Contialitic feat to find the kinds of things that divinity brings … Continue reading Do You Take Time to Read??

I Bet We’ll Never Know…

There are a few things that I think we will never quite know.  Some of them are beliefs as to what the Universe is and the ideas of God.  There is also the notion that there are some people that we will never know.  Some people's idea is to meet everyone and as many people … Continue reading I Bet We’ll Never Know…

Entrepreneur’s Sell Things

I guess then that I'm not an entrepreneur... I tend to think that my role and/or job titles are listed as a few different things.  The first is Contialitic Shoulsman, I do perform Trinal Distribution, and also seed as a Neurolinguistic Programmer. I'm messed up with selling things.  I don't have a strong drive to … Continue reading Entrepreneur’s Sell Things

My Challenge with Push Marketing…

We know that many people are pushing their products or services (or self) online now-a-days.  I'm guilty of this too.  I've used Facebook to market to friends and connections (and some other targeted posts).  There are some people that I follow or look up to that are online marketers, though there are some that are … Continue reading My Challenge with Push Marketing…

How Many Elephants Can You Fit in a Canoe?!

It doesn't matter, because there are no bones in iced cream. With a variant form of text, the flowetics next juncture finds the puncture of the balloon.  Too soon to spoon the food from bowl, as the heated role finds the coals compress, and yes, a Diamond Mox may produce blue. The violet hue of … Continue reading How Many Elephants Can You Fit in a Canoe?!