Seeds of Life

“How is your 2021 going to be?”

“It’s going to be filled with flowers!”

“How do you know?”

“I’m planting flowers.”

Remember the proverb, “You reap what you sow.” If you want a brilliant and beautiful garden, you need to plant the seeds. If you want a bountiful harvest in the fall, you need to plant well in the spring.

We’re in winter now in Canada, yet I’m hoping the rows and fields of text I’ve been planting assist prolific abundance. I continue to work on books for release, yet some of the books I’ve already written are only germinated seeds. They need the water and light of readers to let them thrive, yet a few sprouted ideas are starting to grow, and I need to remember to tend the soil.

My first giving program, Providing Point, started in late 2017. We had only two providers/patrons for nine months, and then when we gained our third, it was another four months for our next provider/patron. We now have eleven people contributing, and we gather CA$124/month from those eleven people. I want to gather more patrons so we can share more cards (all money after fees go to reloadable grocery cards we provide), though I’ve been hooked up with a limiting belief about money.

My limiting belief holds that I need to provide something for someone to receive. Other than PDFs of my books and operating the program, I’ve not offered much to people for pledges with the giving program. I need to understand, though, some people would be happy to give to the program that don’t need something in return. That’s why Providing Point is a giving program, because people give to it. I’m delighted and soulfully grateful that people want to support my books and program.

With my books, they’re a physical, tangible item, yet with Providing Point, I’m a conduit for people’s generosity. People giving a pledge up to now believe in and support me, yet I also want to gather people who want to give because they believe in the cause of providing. I want to be a conduit for massive amounts of support that I can then place on our reloadable grocery cards so people may have food.

Are you a person who believes in providing? Would you give $5, $15, or $30/month towards someone else’s groceries? If yes, please look into the Providing Point Patreon page. I give $150/month to the program, and I remember some may want to share near that much. There’s a patron level of CA$120/month, and for those patrons, I’m not sure how my gratitude and gratefulness can convey how awesome it is they provide that!

I want to find more people to give to the program, so if you’d like to help, please share this post. It matters a lot that people step up to provide, and if you believe in the cause of providing, please visit

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