What I Believe; Fountain Six, Chapter Four

I may use religious points of view in this section as it may be helpful and relevant if you genuinely want to understand these works.  I also believe that each person has five main parts to their being; our body, soul, mind, spirit, and heart.

There’s firstly our physical self, our body.  The body is what we each live within, and it holds our boundaries of bodily awareness.  Most have their taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing, and our different body parts allow us to perceive.  We can say they’re all part of the biological organism of ourselves, though they also are a spiritual shell we live within.

Our soul?  That blends some of the other components of my belief of being.  I think that our soul is the physical manifestation of our spirit; that what we feel in our body is what we’re conscious of our mind, spirit, and heart.  What we know about how other people treat and act toward us (sight, sound, or feeling) may be connoted as how they are with their spirit toward us.

Our minds can also perceive or think about other people and things.  We sense or imagine within our minds, we process our senses, and yes, we can blend in the sixth sense here too.  Some think that hearing others thoughts is ESP or telepathy, yet there also is the idea that the sixth sense can be how we’re self-aware of our body positioning.  Some even say that our physical body awareness is the seventh sense in addition to thought.

What we think, whether it is immediate perception, memory, or imagination, is directly in our minds and links to how our hearts are like the brains of our love.    The saying of keeping someone in your heart is how we may hold another with love and affection for them in our hearts vaults.  The centre links ourselves to physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and soulful parts of ourselves.

The mind may be aware of people, though through how we see them or if we like them may shift how or if we want them to be in our minds.  A person’s body may be near us, though our likeness of their spirit (or how they look, sound or feel) may call us to judge their soul.  Judgment’s not always about saying something is positive or negative or right or wrong.  Using law versions of judgment can imply innocence or guilt, though we also could say judgement is knowing what the truth is.  Recognition.

Truth is one of my values, though this chapter is about beliefs and not values. Trust is a pinnacle word, yet if I don’t believe firmly in a person being true or not, that may also adjust a different set of beliefs or responses.  Spin in the idea of when the truth isn’t just believed, yet known, that’s when we get knowledge.  I think that expertise and experience also fuel belief and faith in a foundational block upon which we may build.

The movie Dogma had a line about God that inclined the notion of “I have an idea.”  The premise I add is that when we believe too firmly in something, and it may not be the actual truth, we can delude ourselves.  It’s helpful to have things to believe in, even an idea, though, I wish to build factual knowledge.  If I don’t have an entire understanding, my beliefs could be faulty and radiate.

Wishes are a different keyword though also link to beliefs.  I believe that if enough people wish for something to happen that there’s a higher chance that it’ll occur.  A friend in the past often spoke of how they believed that people were using wish tactics against them.

Prayer is a valuable, helpful, and noble thing and those who pray have a different understanding of life.  I also acknowledge I write to people that do or don’t believe in God.  If you aren’t religious, think of prayer as wishes for things to happen or even just gratefulness for the things that have happened.

There have been scientific studies that show when enough people pray that the events and situations they’re focused on change.  Even if this isn’t a fact, I still believe there’s exceptional value in prayer.  I can’t say I know it as a full statement for other people, yet I think it is true that forming prayers will allow us to know what our heart wishes.  We can then bring those elements of our being into our conscious awareness.

I know that for me prayer is helpful even if someone claims that it has zero effect on reality outside of myself and my being.  You may not believe me, yet this is what I think, and I know that just because someone thinks something, it’s not necessarily fact.

I believe positive reciprocation is a valuable skill to develop.  We also can choose which pathways of thought or actions we make.  I think that optimistic attitudes and ethics are positive to hold, and I think that if you offer someone a hug, you should give them a real and true hug.

I believe that adopting a pet is often a choice very well worth it.  I also think that my parents may not comprehend how grateful I am that they’ve given me so much space, grace, and support to let me do what I do.

There are many higher powers active in life and that I know my reverence for them maintains.

I think that people should respect others with their beliefs and I also believe that people should act justly.  Know your core values, ethics, and principles.

Regarding language, I note English must be quite tricky for some to learn.  There are hidden links between different words that bridge to the biblical story of Babel.  Fragments of different languages hold secret links, yet I believe that we should keep some secrets.

The truth is an exceptionally high value I hold.  I think that my writing holds worth for others and not just myself through intuition, and yet it’s not a belief formed on yet shown results, it can be considered faith.  People haven’t had access to some of the ideas and thoughts I’ve had, and I think I have to focus on what I can do for people in life beyond just what I can do with these written works.

I believe that some that read my work about Natalie may want to help her and I meet, yet I don’t yet know, trust, or have faith that she and I meeting is a good idea.  I still believe that my choice of not pushing for a meeting and leaving it up to the hands of fate is a good idea.  I believe each of us affects other people’s lives, future, and destiny from what we each think and how we behave.  I desire that all people be honourable, and I wish that all people can be respectful, kind, and real.

I hope that all people encourage and support others, and I believe that almost all who need help can find help with what they need, especially if they ask for it.  I think that people should help others with their lives and that we each may give to other people in ways other than money.  I believe that I’ve been too money-focused, and I also know I could push much harder for sales and support.

We continue to learn and cultivate how to love people truly.  I’ve liked some people even when they may have wished me dead, and I see and hear the subvert meanings and signs that I steal from the Universe.  Sometimes intentionally placed into my awareness, these secrets hide my being from consciousness.

I also, at 2:33 AM on a Saturday night (when I first wrote this) knowing that I’ve formed some good work by not being at church the next day.  I believe in the process and value of restoration and redemption; they are PLU8R words too.  I know my parents love me, and we each impact many lives.  I also learn to discern truth more often with links and similarities between knowing and interpreting facts and holding a false belief.

My diction stifles me sometimes.  Even though I’ve made up words that have become part of my Shoulspeak language, I desire to have an expansive vocabulary that people can understand.  Elizabeth Lesser’s book Broken Open used more than thirty English words that I didn’t know.

I also strongly admire Elizabeth Gilbert’s writing and her excellent ability to weave a story through ideas.  In Eat, Pray, Love, she uses Italian words in her book, and I feel thankful I invested in learning parts of that language.  I believe that learning languages is an excellent and refreshing thing and hope to use what I’ve learned in the future.

I believe we’re still to find an ever-unfolding future and I hope and pray too that it may be something mystical.  I wish for travel, I choose to learn about love, and I believe in the fact that having a reluctance to trust also may assure we strengthen truth.

I could write another few pages in this section discussing the names of some others that also believe in love, and I almost want to attempt that.  My process of avoiding revealing secret truths also finds me sometimes obsessively honing in on facts of fiction.  I know that if I don’t trust, I may fall into patterns of saying things that become untruth, yet my awareness in a solitary time cell confuses the very foundations that have built my guilty conscience.

Some argue ethics are subjective or objective.  Some beliefs in absolutes also restrict the chance of there being a new personal or unique truth for a person or group of people.  When I type the statements “I believe…” is that not myself being subjective?  Is that where one says that the truth is fact, objective, and absolute for all?  I’ve said a bit recently: “What is true for you might not be for me.”  That’s not so much meaning characteristics; it could be, though, when we think of differences between us.

Truth is not always static.  When I was in the psych ward, I held quite a few false beliefs.  One idea was the city of Shole.  Shole was to be located on the planet Saturn and was to have a dramatically subjective (I think that’s the right word) reality for its inhabitants.

The differences in perceived existence were to be extreme in some cases.  For example, two people walking down the street passing each other could be in entirely different weather.  This difference of weather isn’t a metaphoric reference of how one would be happy (sunny) and the other sad (rainy), I meant that literally one person could need an umbrella in a torrent or rain while another might need sunglasses to shield their eyes from the blazing light.  These people could pass each other on the same street at the same moment of time with one drenched by rain and the other scorched by the sun.

How that is relevant to what I currently believe links to another belief word, a scientific one and not a religious one; the word theory.  The theory of a nodal reality for each of us, even on current day Earth, is also an idea I hold.  I source the idea from my past experiences, yet we may jest we source all lessons from the past.  The view links to the birds of the sky.

Have you ever looked out a window at the sky and seen semi-visible dots coursing through your vision?  Think of how these semi-visible dots then become a bird, or that an insect buzzes past the window when looking deep into reality.  The theory or idea is that each person’s entire reality and perspective and perception is their own created experience is Nodal Theory.

The semi-visible dots in the sky can be imagined as being actual birds, though just on a different plane of existence.  Because of the need for locational placement for someone else’s reality, the birds may not be on the same layer or dimension for each person.  It may be a human-centric viewpoint, yet such as it is.  When we find some things magically happening, theories for them include our beliefs, our timelines, and our perception.

If we consider time as the primary variable or dimension, and we think of time as linear (that we’ve only travelled one pathway of time since we were born), then everything on Earth is on the same timeline.  We’ve been on the same course of linear time according to natural time theory.  If that’s true, then if we meet any moment in time, the exact pathways of time have happened before to allow us to reach those moments.  If it takes us two years to connect, then we must have passed through the same length of two years until that meeting.

Shift closer, though.  What of those fragmented moments of perception seen in the sky?  Think of how that bird lands down beside you, and you hear a secret word in your mind.  You become aware of a memory of a friend cued by the word from the bird.  That then friend walks into the coffee shop right at that time.  Does a puncture of your imagination call that person into your awareness right at that moment?  Have they and you been on your linear path of time and node together right then accidentally.  How would the bird be placed to seed that message?

There are a few theories and questions that could meld.  How did the bird know how to relay that thought?  If that bird had been hatched from an egg and then traveled through its lifespan to be there right at that moment, and reality is static, then forget how it telepathically sent you a cryptic hint your friend was on route (“a little birdy told me”: old saying), how would that bird not have followed the same linear path of time?  Would it not have been the same actual persistent being in its physical locative relative positioning to all things?  Would it not be that that bird was at the same places from every perspective from its conception until then?  Would the message be from God or a different universal force?  I’m not clear I can answer that.

That may not have made sense.  Think of a different idea.  Have you ever listened to a song playing and heard a different series of lyrics than you’ve heard at other times?  I mean literally; an entirely different sequence of words than when you played the song earlier in life, and you know it.

Think of this; when they made that recording, it was the same sequence recorded as the musicians had performed when they recorded it.  How can someone hear a different set of lyrics than the musicians sang, rapped, or spoke than what was said?  Should it not be the same recording for every person who hears it?  This premise leads to nodal music theory, though I remind myself too this chapter is meant to be what I believe, not theories.

The idea from the birds in the sky is that I have a weird belief that there’s a layer in the statement ‘everyone’s life is different’ and not just by us each having different physical bodies.  I’ve thought that the semi-visible dots are birds on a different plane of existence that’s not fully on our own and is being positioned temporally for other’s people’s secret signs of life.  The birds need to be placed (by God, the Universe, the Soul of life) at an exact time and place that may not be solely in our reality.

“Seven billion subjective realities in one objective playground.”

Each reality is separate and distinct and the parameters we see and hold share a bond and solidify as ‘true’ by a shared belief between us.  Since I may not be relevant to some lives, am I like those semi-invisible dots flying through the sky?  We’re connected to people that need to be reminded, like me, that they have a friend who just walked into the shop that loves and likes them.

We’re each on our separate pathways of time, and there are crossovers and coincidence in many things; things aren’t as random as they seem.  I need to heed some signs, ideas, and knowledge shared, yet some of the symptoms and wonders we perceive are connected to a grand world that reminds me I’m only one person.

I have a vast lack of knowledge and faith and develop further confidence from that lack.  Spirituality and God are essential, fundamental, and not just ‘an idea,’ yet I wish to carry doubt to fortify my beliefs.

An idea of God for those that don’t want even to consider religion; think of the concept of God being G.O.D. as an acronym for Globally Organized Development.  Think of the systems of Earth, trade, and government as the organizations and the process of our lives guiding us for, from, and within that development.  The idea is G.O.D. is all things as a network and interconnected.

A different acronym for G.O.D. is the Galactic Organizing Directive.  It’s a notion that every point of reality is designed and in place due to a galactic organization that directs all things.  If I step us back a bit though, what of those that call out to God or Jesus or Allah or another higher power?  What do I believe about that?

I use a capital H for Him and also say “Thank you, Lord” often.  I also believe I should not have the audacity or belief that I can form prayer and close ‘in Jesus name’ and wield Jesus’s power in God’s name as if I hold His power.  I believe that we should honour Jesus and that we should not claim to have His power for we are explicitly not God.  For a Christian to ask Jesus to petition to God on their behalf is more sensible in my own belief.

Regarding my own opinion or stance about religion?  I can’t yet claim to profess.  I have an interest in learning about different beliefs, and I’ve attended church, though I also skip into and away from subscribing to a religious label, even if self-given.  I don’t think myself a Christian as I’m not aware of a personal relationship or understanding of Jesus, though I have had some glimpses of comprehension.

I have a full belief that there’s a uniting of people in the name of religion, though my Earthly concerns are the conflicts between those who aren’t of the same faith.  I continue to adhere my prayers to God, I continue to explore my spiritual understanding, and I honour and encourage others to believe.

One theory I hold is that if Jesus did exist and was the human incarnation of God on Earth, that He was a way for God to both share His presence on Earth and also to comprehend what it’s like to be a human.  He could learn compassion for the other humans by being one.  We know that the Bible we read today is not the same texts as the ones written in the first century AD, though I hold that God does communicate to us through how we understand our own lives.  Some who are spiritual, yet not religious will find signs and wonders in religious texts.

I’ve believed that recordings I’ve made have been used by God (by the different definitions I’ve used in this chapter) as a way for the world to communicate back to myself through a feedback loop used by temporal and nodal manipulation.  I’ve heard my own recorded lyrics sound like they are thoughts from people in my immediate perception (like in Hong Kong airport) as present based messages used by my past recordings.  What I’ve said in the past are thoughts that others use in the future by bringing awareness with an Organized Directive that is explicitly not myself.

Homage to all who believe, and I remind you that almost all have a belief in something.

(Link to Amazon.com for Robert’s work)

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