Personal Significance; Fountain Six, Chapter Six

Each person has a different worldview.  Each also has an explicitly different life than others, though some symbols and metaphors are universal or common among different groups, cultures, and people.  Some individual personal signs and wonders speak directly to our unique selves too.

Some people have code names, secret languages, and other ideas that they share with a select few.  I have some of those, though also think of global significance.  I actively like, and kindly love, the fact that there are so many different nationalities and languages in life.

At the Thursday Toastmasters group, SnowPeaks, there have been quite a few ESL (English as a Second Language) people in the group from entirely different places.  It doesn’t seem fair that English is my first and most well-understood language, yet it is as it is.  At the Thursday night group, there have been visitors and members who speak Spanish, German, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, and French.  The night before I first typed this chapter, at the Wednesday Toastmasters group, there also was a Korean first language speaker.

My experience with languages has me often thinking of how I say ‘I’m babbling.’  This keyword, babbling, alludes to the tower of Babel and how the words were shattered and dispersed in the Biblical story.  With Shoulspeak, my invented code and writing, there are also links between different tongues.

I know some French and Spanish, some fragments of Tagalog (Filipino), Cantonese, and Korean, and I too have been taught a word or two of Halq̓eméylem and Mandarin.  My most fluent language, though, other than English is Italian.

I love culture and learning shards of other people’s native tongue.  It drives me to learn and decipher to communicate deeper and more profound meanings.  I’ve noticed some intricacies between separate words that reveal profound meanings.  The Filipino way of saying ‘thank you very much’ in their language is salamat po.  From the Babel idea salamat po squiggles the Arabic word ‘salam,’ peace, ‘at,’ the English directional preposition, and ‘po,’ which is Cantonese for ‘girl.’  From my understanding of the Shoulspeak blend, ‘salamat po’ can mean ‘peace to the girl.’

English intricately confuses things.  ‘I think things’ isn’t ‘I thank things’ in past tense.  It’s I ‘thought’ things.  With ‘I drink water’ and ‘I drank water’ being a grammar comparison, we can interpret ‘I thank God’ for saying ‘I thought of God’; that we gave thanks.

I don’t know how it is to have English as a second language, so can only view reversal ideas from the point of my base language.  For others that have a non-English language as their base, there must be so many twists and turns and subvert ideas that aren’t easy to grasp.  Though tough, think through these thoughts troughed through theories and theology.

With the idea of Shoulspeak, there are still developing thoughts and ideas that use English grammatics.  Even grammatics isn’t a natural English word, though connotations and language’s use is an extension of our awareness.  If it makes sense to us as individuals, we can at least make sense of our thoughts to ourselves.

Personal meanings and understanding of language as individuals is how we understand life, and sometimes our feelings.  We also know that communication is a multi-nodal idea.  What I mean by multi-nodal is that connection is not just one dot; it’s an exchange of ideas, thought, or sense between two or more.  We send points of input and output, it’s translated (sometimes through distortion), and then received, processed, and sometimes stored.

What I say can be what I mean, yet you may interpret it quite differently depending on your language, worldview, and frame of reference.  It’s the shared understanding and comprehension with accuracy that allows people to know the exact meaning.

Even to me, that sounds obtuse or confusing.  Note that there too; I use the word obtuse to look smart or intelligent; my intents, even if subconsciously, change what I say.  If you don’t know the words that I’m using (or don’t hear or read them), then the message may not be successfully received.  I need to speak in plain language and more slowly for successful transmission of ideas and intent.  That happens with concise writing and speech, and it also helps to rewrite, revise, and be more intentional with language.

Because we’re discussing languages, I add to this how there are also different love languages.  From Jack’s Canfield’s book The Success Principles, Principle 53: Practice Uncommon Appreciation.  Jack tells us we communicate love in different ways or channels; words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, acts of service, and physical touch.

The way I show love best is through sharing physical touch.  I love to hug people, high five, or even give a real handshake or intertwining of the fingers.  This physical contact is the way I best show love, though some people disdain touch.  For those who are tactile, we should recall others prefer words of affirmation or gifts while others appreciate acts of service or quality time.

I’ve sometimes found a strong reluctance to say ‘I love you’ verbally as I must mean it.  As for how we’ll more easily hear what a person is saying if we don’t speak, there’s also the truth some need a lot of space and freedom to say ‘I love you’ and mean it.  I’m not so fluent with words of affirmation, especially when pressured, distrustful, or coerced.  Almost oppositely to being reluctant to say ‘I love you,’ I sometimes say it a lot, just in different languages.

Using another language doesn’t always convey what I mean.  The strength and feeling of the devotion of a hug is something I value as the feedback loop I receive by physical touch from another conveys a different understanding.  Some people know another can smother with ‘I love you’s’ verbally, though the feeling of a real hug is what seals my belief in the truth of their statement.

Truth is an extremely high value that I hold, though the repentant fact is sometimes I’m terrified and scared.  I also want myself to be radically honest and have had severe doubt in some people’s statements or claims.  I have seen and heard what I think are many lies and deceits.  Spoken words are easy to use to lie and deceive, what we feel not so much.

The layers of fear or deception add the value of honesty to sometimes confuse me from knowing the truth.  There’s a statement I saw on the Internet that says: “Just because you’re right, doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”  My truth may be right for me, yet you may think its garbage.  If we stand on opposite sides of the number six, you may see a nine.

Different languages, different sources and receivers, the diffusion of truth, and also what the deceptive intents are to weave, all twist these notions into and upon each other.  There can be some confusion.  Regarding the truth idea, what happens when someone is telling the full and accurate truth, and we don’t believe it?  The language and meanings may be exact yet not convey accurately.  Distortion can lead to disbelief.

I choose to push for truth, though I don’t always believe.  I evolve past points in time, place, idea, and belief to shift the very premise I’ve tried to compose.  I think this is getting a bit complex, and I also want to get back to the chapter and book relevance and not a schematic of my muddle.

As I’ve spoken, written, and claimed, I’ve said the Fountains are my processing journals.  I can be exceptionally accurate and short with my words, and also know that bullshit’s bullshit.  I may mix the moments of time when I wish to exert the rhyme to climb into the view of how you know you are explicitly not me, yet thank them too.  I may need to form penance for some of the things I do.

Anyhow, the topic is personal relevance.

I’m still learning, I know that all things are connected, and I understand that some points of life separate me from others.  I believe that I should hone my self-focused nature, and as we sharpen the words to build and not convolute, we continue to learn.  English and how we communicate note that my emotional intelligence must evolve and develop further.  We can work these ideas into a beautiful shared process of action.

Using text to communicate is a wondrous thing, though the significance of what I learn and share may till ideas into the future.  I’m aware of some ideas are not always fathomable, yet I make proclamations or claims and believe them.  It may not matter to anyone else unless what I’ve written is read, yet when I make statements, sometimes contrary evidence may be factual and immediately contradict itself.

If I keep writing and forming these books, the truth calls more clearly to cultivate awareness.  The ideas adjust our knowledge bases, and the changes of action and bundles of information and thought package these books to fortify our futures.  I also can’t assure some projected beliefs of others don’t doubt the very core of who we are.

Some people say ‘God first.’  Some people believe they are God.  I know, of myself, that I’m explicitly not.  The practice of giving thanks, prayer, and homage to God is one that I use, though I also must remember that no matter what is, that that for and from God may not always be understood accurately by myself or others.

You’ve read about my beliefs, though the significance and depth of my views are poetically just like a stone skipping across the frozen lake.  I know I don’t know the depths of whom and what God is, though I know the Universe uses myself in bizarre ways.  My microcosm is an exposition of everything and nothing and is sometimes broadcast out to everyone yet viewed by few, all, or none.

My work tills the fields of time, and I ask our seeds to assist with providing for all.  That’s a kind and nifty thing; we don’t all know what the future holds.  We often can’t even see the truth of what is and what has happened, let alone predict our evolution.  Life is a definite integration and series of supported miracles and wonder.

So how shall this resolve and evolve?  Am I pushing to be understood when I should instead be working to develop the ability to understand?  I think, yes.  With the support of [Habit 5: Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood], I need to understand first.

What if we compound understanding and learn how others perceive us?  If we can determine how another comprehends us or the world, not just what they or we say, we may remove the layers of distortion.  We may communicate with understanding, precision, and empathy.

When we shift our knowledge to how to understand the processes and ourselves from absolutes, we can give a more precise response in a more comprehensible way.  The warning, though, is that some people speak knowledge to present deception as truth.

Psychology is, and I understand this idiom now, a double-edged sword.  It can cut through the bullshit, and it also can slice off the truth.  I guess a single-sided sword could do that too; maybe we should just be careful of weapons.

What though if the allies of Heaven also work for those that are Earthly or worldly based that have yet to believe or understand?  Is that where the crusades were thought righteous as an attempt to form inclusion and justice to save lives?  Or, were they people deluded and just persecuting others who did not carry the same belief?

We talk about ideas, truth, knowledge, and fact, though our wisdom also must be found to absolve the wish of others to abolish, destroy, harm, or ruin.  As soon as we make one point of view, a contrary opinion can surface, and the clashes and jostling of weapons of truth can both destroy and hone further clarity.  One device may sharpen the blade of good, yet still, the shattered remains of the pains lost at war may open the doors to peace.

English isn’t so easy, yet I often communicate that way.  Even if threads of truth are wound and stitched through the tapestry of life, some people are colorblind.  Some people can’t see the truth for what it is, and some people may believe anything said as being absolute fact, even when as substantial as gas.

From above and below the raft of this craft, there are multiple realities and dreams I’ve wished.  It seems God Himself has laughed; or is that true of Venus?  I know not… Saturn holds her within His rings.

(Link to for Robert’s work)

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